
Sites Bios Fiction


Thief of Hearts - Kaylarae

The Rites of Path - Malezzerai

Song of the Morning - Amarad

The Iridine Man - Myouiijita

The Summer Rose - Cyanicus

The Why of Saplings - Shade

A Simple Ballad - GreendaleIV

And the Winds Rage - Alivian Kinsley

Battle and Beverages - Ballouve

An Ol' Sailing Song - Juilin

The Battlefield - Ridelle Luminus

Tribal Chant of Revenge - Amarad Nightsbane

The Altene, Altene Ballad - Strider13sw

It's My Life - Amarad Nightsbane

Drinking Song - 200XR

Jailtime - Mercinary

Salute to Constantine - Hamburger

Antequides' Song - Dragonldee

The Wine is Good - Blackknight

A little Barbarian Song - Amarad Nightsbane

Training Song - Taliseman

An Ode To Iridine - Muracho Len

Toshiro - Dragonldee

The Secret Song - Dragonldee

A fellow in a tunic - Dataylor

For You - Reshan

Greedy Mask - Granellius

What Good Is Hair Anyways? - Granellius

Let the Lighthouse Light be Burning - Seraph

Onward Ereal's Soldiers - Seraph

Over the Sunset Mountains - Seraph

Maybe this Old Song - Seraph

Wishes - Shade

A Good Ole Drinking Song - Drunser

An Ode To Posca - Drunser

Things I could tell you about Iridine... -Malik

The Lyre Song - Malik

Shade's Songs - Shade

Stones - Shade

Altene Marching Song - Quintus

Butterflies Bloom - Shade

Embarrassments - Cyanicus

A Song by Dice - Dice