The Future Greatest

By Quintarius Maxim

A young man walked through the streets of Iridine one night. He was a young man, unexperienced, strong, fast, brave, and, sadly, egotistical. Just another of thousands of man and woman, who came to this city searching for wealth and greatness. But he felt special, donít we all? He felt he was going to be on top in days, that fate would lead him to his wealth and greatness, like many of himselves before. But he was a mouthy gent, and decided to act and speak on his greatness, instead of keeping his dreams a simple silent hope, like so many before him.

ìGet out of here! This is my stake! This is my game!î said Roquirious. ìWhy do I?î inquired Joganan. Our hero is found hunting in the sewers, where he walks in on another manís kill, attacking it, an unspoken mortal sin of Iridineís hunters. ìThis is my kill, my stake! Thatís my osecar! You damned thief!î ìGet over it, itís just an animal.î
ìItís an unwritten rule that you leave peopleís areas ALONE!î
ìHey, I wright the rules.î
ìSince when did YOU wright the rules?î
The fight contuinued for a while, and Roquirious did not attack Joganan, but gave him a stern look.
ìHey, one day, Iím going to be the best. Just you wait.î
Soon, the battle was over, and Roquarious turned towards Joganan.
ìYou keep opening that lip, and thine ego will kill you.î
ìGet over it, itís just a bird. Just you wait, one day, Iíll be the best.î
Joganan simply left, and Roquarious stood there. He took little notice of his comments, Roquarious, and almost took pitty through his anger of his lost kill. He knew that he would not make it long through life.
The next day, Joganan was still feeling big. He decided he would go to the alleys for training that night.
ìGet off my kill! I have this place begon!î said Utepe.
ìItís nothing,î said Joganan.
ìItí take determination and patience to get a good spot in the alleys,î said Sorririous. The two friends had been hunting in the alleys for hours, with only a thug or 2 brutes to show.
ìItís an unspoken law to take other peopleís places,î said Utepe in a sad tone.
ìI live by my own law, ì said Joganan, ìSo leave off!î
ìYou know how fast I could kill you,?î said Sorririous, ìYour an ant to us.î
ìIíll be the greatest one day, youíll see.î said Joganan.
ìHey Sorririous! Remember your friend telling us about this guy? This ëBig and mighty guy who will become the greates?î
ìOh yes! YOu know, he could have killed this guy on his own! Yes, Requarious, he is only practiced, but he couldíve made mince-meat out of this guy! Heíd be sport to us!î
The thug fell unconsious, and Utepe killed him with a stroke of his alanti gladius. Utepe turned and smiled at Joganan.
ìIíll be the best one day, ì, said Joganan ìJust you wait!î
Utepe and Sorririous began to laugh, and pointed at Joganan as he left. Joganan just smiled a big, wide smile, and left, also laughing. He knew heíd be the greatest someday.

In a week, after Iridine became accostomed to Jogananís constant braggings, the egotistical young man went to the portal, to prove his salt. ìHey young man! Whatíd you doing in the portal?î said Yougelse.
ìIím here to train to become the best. Soon, youíll see, Iíll be the best.î
The old man laughed, and laughed. Few men in Iridine would dare give him a dirty look, less insult him. He was the best of all Iridine. He knew so much, he had to teach himself new tactics, because he knew everyone elses. The toughest of carrior birds were no match for Yougelse.

ìDonít laugh. Iíll be the best. You watch out.î said Joganan in a flaunting way. Yougelse laughed even harder, he amost fell done from pain of his sides. A carrion bird came in. Yougelse soon approached it, and began to attack it. Joganan, of course, began to join in. Yougelse stopped his attack, and let Joganan take his turn. Joganan began to be punished for breaking that un-important rule of taking othersí game, without the warrior Yougelse breaking a written one. When Joganan fell unconsious, Yougelse attacked the bird, and killed it in two hits. Lauging, he drug Joganan to Vale, leaving him in a much safer place.
A baby alligator crawled up on shore, then killed Joganan, while he was unconsious. The great Joganan. Just then, another new warrior approached. He took the armor Joganan stole from his former collegueís kills, and stood motionless.

ìFool. Failure, you are nothing like me, for one day I will become the greatest.î

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