
There are always exciting events and changes coming to TEC. Check back often to find out what's next.

New Missions!!

Be on the lookout throughout the game world for new, more exciting, missions. Don't be surprised if you're approached by some stranger asking you do to do a job for them.


Want to own property? Perhaps even your own store? Buy and sell commodities in a bustling market? Watch out for chances to do just that in the coming months.

Shops and Housing

Iridine continues to rebuild in areas ravaged by war, replacing things once lost. Come and see what is in store in the coming month!

  • Housing
  • New shops in which to spend your money

Story-Point Only Purchases

We are beginning to introduce Story-Point only purchases within the game. We have current introduced the ability to purchase attribute increases. Details on that ca be found here. Next we will be adding the option to purchase a Domus for your character.