Seraphus Indignus

I am thankful that I can still see their faces....they never fade from my memory, and I know without a shadow of doubt they never will...but their faces are a pleaure..the happenings on that faithful day, however, will plague me until the day I shuffle of this mortality....
Imagine if you will a young girl upon her father's knee...he is teaching her about life by sitting upon a mountain top and watching the sun-set...he teaches her by the very face of heaven how all things work together...than as they walk hand in hand to the cozy place they called home, she is greeted by her dear mother, who will braid her hair and whisper in her ear about the woman she will become and of the pride she has given so many...
Later in the day she would take a trip down a narrow dirt road to see Misela, the village healer, and learn what little she could from those old hands that worked wonders on the afflicted bodies of warriors and heros....
She would come home a satisfied girl, who wanted nothing, and had all of her needs met...
She met Shadowfax, a young archer, when he came visiting her town and fell in love with him immediately...their love grew and blossomed into a beautiful romance that is sure to last for eternity...The marriage was planned, the date set, the excitment was all of the joyous celebration, however, their was an impending doom that hung above their heads like dark couds...her mother and father's small shop was not doing good business, and they soon found themselves in major debt....thinking all would be well, they borrowed money from lone-sharks, but when they could not make the payments to the lenders, they found themselves in a terrible situation...
The night before her wedding, the young girl was sitting in her room preparing herself for the wedding...her mother sat in the kitchen putting the last minute adjustments on the exquisite white dress she had made for her only daughter..her father sat near the fire in the living room whittling peacefully..
She never heard them enter, but sensed something was wrong...she leaned over the banister of the staircase and peered down to the living area below...she watched in horror as the lone sharks brutally killed her parents before her eyes...Barely able ot contain herself she darts down the stairs and slips out of the back door....they were hot on her trail, but knowing her way around the near by forest well, she lost them...she made her way to the small home that Shadowfax lived in..she hid there until morning, and they both left the next day...knowing she would be hunted by this clan, she took Shadowfax to the priest, and was married in an informal service....
She left all that she had ever known behind her, to move on to a place that was unfamiliar and perhaps dangerous...before they knew it, they found themselves in Iridine, with a whole new life before them, and the the past not quite buried...the clan could still be searching for this remnant of the Indignus family seeing that it has only been but a few months since she fled, but she knows that life must continue...she presses on, with her love by her side, and the memories of a time past in her heart.....

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