Exitt Agape

I was born in the Safelands to parents that were good and loving people. Life was good and peaceful for me till one night in the summer. It was another one of those days that my parents begged my sister Sarai to stay home and be with the family. But as usual she refused and was off to her boyfriends. When it happened I was in the kitchen helping my mother prepare the evening meal. I heard a noise at the door and the voices of my father and mother and many others. I knew something was wrong when I heard my mother scream. I grabbed a kitchen knife and ran to the living quarters. There I saw my father wounded on the ground. I attacked the bandits with the knife and was successful in killing some and chasing away the rest, but not before my mother was wounded. I sat in shock trying to stop their bleeding, but could not as I knew not how. Only Sarai knew healing. I watched my parents bleed to death before my eyes, while my sister was off with her lover. I will never forgive her. At the very moment my parents died I vowed to make her and the bandits pay for their selfishness. And so began my journey to Iridine in search of the skills needed to fulfill that vow.....

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